Tag Archives: Steve Pavlina

Never get a job

According to Steve  Pavlina, we should never get a job, he gives 10 reasons: (my comments in brackets)

1. Income is for dummies, you only get paid for the actual time you spend at work, (ok, that’s a valid point)

2. You get limited experience, (you can get experience from anything, the problem is you should know when to move on)

3. You’re under the strain of lifelong domestication, (I have written about this before)

4. Too many mouths to feed (and you get taxed for it),

5. There’s too much risk, 

6. You’re boss might be an “evil bovine master” (The word boss, seems to come from the Dutch “baas” meaning master),
7. Having a job, means begging for money, (I know)
8. Your social life will become inbred (hell yes in Japan),  

9. You lose your freedom,

10. You become a coward (I especially like this criteria, read on of what he has to say about the courage to live life consciously here)