Linkedin, the social website that is more business network orientated, has an interesting new feature, where members can ask, as well as answer questions. As I have more of a Question-asker kind of mentality, I wondered "why most work environments are so ugly?"

I rated Pieter Van Der Elst‘s answer as the best. This is what he wrote:

" Dear Martin,

I completely understand the reason of your question.

People around the world put time/ effort and money in creating a home-interior that reflects their personality.
But when it comes to office-interior, most organisations tent to make "safe" choices.

In my opinion, there are 2 main reasons for this.

1st, an office environment needs to fit for each and every employee who’s working at that site.
Person A will love that fresh,flashy green wall and person B will hate that ugly, yet exactly the same, colour.
Therefore, most employers will go for a safe choice, the type of office that you, me and most of us reading this answer have probably seen a thousand times.

Secondly, I think there’s an historical fact as well.
Our society has moved from a production-environment to a "knowledge environment". Thus, the role of "the employee" has changed from producing to communicating.
Just think about the way our parents used to work, and the way you are working today. Even better, think about the way our children will work in a few years time.

(You might want to read "The New Office" by Francis Duffy on this topic)

Unfortunately, the working-environment hasn’t changed as quickly as the job we do.
Communication technology as a good example; has evolved at an amazing speed, (mobile-phones, email, WIFI…) so people can work virtually anyware, yet most companies have not yet taken the step to create that environment that enhances the communication between colleaugues, departments…
And is that not exactly what we do, every single day at work. Communicate?

And this is where you have a valid point when asking your question.
This is exactly where companies have to take the next step and adapt the working-environment they offer their (future) employees.

It is my believe that offering an attractive office will create a huge benefit for most organisations to improve their retention-rate, and to attract a talented workforce…(An issue that is rising for many companies) and enhance their productivity.

Best regards,


Pieter had it spot on, as he understood why I asked the question in the first place. I was not looking for solutions, as I believe that to be one of the reasons why so many of the offices we see to be so ugly in the first place. It is not (only) about design, it is about company culture, communication and team dynamics. Design will not be able to cover the lack of that.

…to be continued…


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