Seminar:Treffpunkt Kammer

Tentatively set for 6th September I will present a seminar/workshop at the German chamber in Tokyo.
1. Why the office is crucial in leveraging staff motivation,
productivity and retention? General background on the importance of
the work place,
2. The issues that need to be taken into consideration to maximise
the office as a tool to improve motivation, communication,
productivity etc..,
3. WorkVitamins: a description of the methodology used,
4. Explanation of the Shared Workplace Vision exercise that
participants will use during the workshop,
5. Start Shared Workplace Vision exercise in groups of 5-6 people,
6. Presentation of the groups’ findings and reasoning behind their
7. Q&A, discussion

The website provides only Japanese or German info. The seminar will be held in English.


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