Martin van der Linden, architect, engineer, CEO, inventor of the WorkVitamins methodology etc…etc… states in his Uncertainty Principle that: “It is impossible to create an office environment where each employee has both a well-defined position and momentum simultaneously.” Classical office design presupposes that exact simultaneous values can be assigned to all physical quantities, ie. a business based on number of people sitting at their desks. Martin’s Uncertainty Principle denies this possibility, the office, the work environment is, in Louis de Broglie‘s words, no more than a “macroscopic continuity resulting from statistics operated on the discontinuous elements that are effected by uncertainty”.
Symptoms: There is an uncertainty relation between the position and the momentum of the office employees and their work environment:
There is an uncertainty relation between the angular position and the angular momentum of the office employees and their work environment:
The first, and only step to treatment is really to understand the need of WorkVitamins which is based on the uncertainty principle: offices are not causally determined environments. It is important in getting treatment for the disease is getting a correct diagnosis. This is crucial to do this quickly because our WorkVitamins research has shown that the sooner you get diagnosed and treated the better the long-term outcome. In case of the uncertainty relation between the angular position and the angular momentum will depend on the creativity of the team to design a fluid, non hierarchical work environment.