This morning we filmed our first NCCJ forum. I am the chairman of the communications committee of the NCCJ, the Dutch chamber of commerce, and our committee decided to start a panel discussion session which we will film and later publish on the internet. Today’s theme was Dutch design and the 100% Design festival that is currently taking place here in Tokyo.
We have devised a simple formula for the forum: Hans van der Tang and I will talk to 3 guests , a visitor, a long-term resident and a Japanese guest. Rob Oudendijk will film and do the post production work.
Today we had Truc from TTTVO as our visitor-guest. Truc is a Dutch designer who designs very original furniture and is here for the 100% Design festival. Our long-term resident guest was Arjan van Well, the Far East director of the Dutch board of Tourism. Arjan has been extremely active in promoting Dutch design in Japan, and organizing the Dutch part of the 100%. Ryo Nakagawa, a Japanese graphic designer who created the new logo for the NCCJ was our Japanese guest.
I very much enjoyed the discussion that we had this morning, and I am looking forward to see the edited result on which Rob Oudendijk will be working on. It will be posted on this site as well.
Kruk serie by TTTVO.