Offices are literally transitional spaces. If we calculate the actual offices occupancy for example: we find out that companies pay rent for their office space for:
8760 hours a year (365 days x 24 hours).
The occupancy is only 2080 hours (260 days x 8 hours).
This means a 76% non-occupancy level.
Isn’t it time to start thinking about alternative solutions for using the office after hours and weekends such as:
Allowing people to work anytime of the day. I often have to make calls to Europe and the US and most of the time I have to do this from home in the evening or early in the morning. Instead global teams could work locally in the office in different time zones. A truly global office.
Being able to go to the office anytime of the day would solve the “morning person – evening person” syndrom. No more grumpy people at the coffee machine in the morning anymore. An office adjusted to your own bio rhytyhm.