OK, this weekend are the elections, imagine, just imagine Kurokawa becomes the new Tokyo Governor, what would he do (if I were him)?
1. Bury all the electrical poles, and while doing that fix the Tokyo sewers. A first great step to make Tokyo not to look and smell like shit.
2. Push for a clear definition of what it means to be an architect here in Japan, push for a separate license for a “structural engineer”. Enough First Class Licensed Architect Aneha-shit!
3. Introduce some design guidelines for urban planning and architecture that goes beyond shadow zoning. (But make sure that Kurokawa will not be chairing this board)
4. Make at least 10% of the roads in Tokyo’s centres car-free. All the time! Too bad for those coming from Saitama trying to show off their sporty cars (Boom! Boom! Boom! Sunglasses! Cabriolet! Saitama license plate!) in Shibuya’s shopping streets.
5. Plant some trees in the city, add more parks. Tokyo has the lowest number of parks/person among capital cities in the world. But make sure to vary the type of trees! (Note: have a serious discussion with Chiba to reduce the air-born pollen from their trees floating into Tokyo. We don’t want to be number one hay fever capital in the world anymore.)