Monthly Archives: June 2009

PinkCow presentation

I’ll be speaking at the PinkCow next Thursday.

Pink Cow Connections #64: WorkVitamins, Bringing Perspective to the Office:

“Maximizing your working environment assets. Productive spaces to improve your business.”

Anyone who has worked for a typical Japanese corporation has horror stories to tell about the workplace. The rows and rows of small, steel desks with files and paper stacked above and below, the colour tones of Stalinist grey evenly distributed throughout the whole space except for the yellow smoking room , the artistic coffee stains on the carpet, the direct translation of the company’s hierarchy onto the design (buchos on the window, kachos on the end of each row, last hire at the end of the row), the blinds that are consistently closed and despite the top location of the office allow no views outside, etc.. etc… Is it any wonder that Japan has one of the world’s highest suicide rates? Studies have shown that the work environment has a significant influence on our well being. The work environment is business’ last frontier, as companies should stop to treat their work space as a warehouse crammed with stuff and staff. It is time to view the work environment as a powerful motivational tool to create a place where people enjoy working in, encourages communication and team work. The workplace can either hinder or encourage this.
During the presentation Martin will show an analysis of a typical office and the potential for change. He will explain about the methodology he created called WorkVitamins, which through a series of 5 steps has helped his clients to implement a work environment where work can actually be fun. At the end of the presentation he will also briefly discuss a book he is writing on the subject, including the growing influence that the internet has on our rapidly changing definition of what work is.

More here

Gold for the office

Vulgar but if you like gold in the office you can choose cool stuff in gold such as this gold keyboard:

Or how about this gold gun light by Philippe Starck for Flos?

but if you  are like me, suffering from the recession there is always the gold fish.